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Cakes 4 Casualties
Providing cakes and morale to our sick and injured military

As a non-profit organisation, we rely solely on the support of people like you to help spread the love and gratitude to our military

Cakes & Support go a long way for each and every one of the incredible people Cakes 4 Casualties support
Donate via Bank Transfer
Make a one off donation or regular BACS transfer to the Barclays Bank
Account Name: Cakes 4 Casualties
Sort Code: 20-77-62
Account Number: 03559696
Reference: 'Donation'

Donate via Paypal
Simply click on the donate button below to be redirected to the PayPal webpage

Or alternatively...
Cakes 4 Casualties have joined Easyfundraising! Partnered with over 8,000 brands who will donate part of what you spend to Cakes 4 Casualties once you select our cause as your chosen charity...Another fantastic way you can help towards our charity, without spending an extra penny!
Thank you kindly for your support
We cannot do the work we do without you!
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