Cakes 4 Casualties
Providing cakes and morale to our sick and injured military

Cakes 4 Casualties testimonials straight from Kaths boys!...

Testimonials from the media...
Surprise Surprise 2013
Dave Watson, 1st Batallion Scots Guard, put Cakes 4 Casualties very own Kath Ryan forward for Surprise Surprise.
She was visited by the lovely Mark Wright who was able to talk with several troops to discover how Kath has affected their lives through her support.

Invictus Games, Orlando, USA 2016

Cakes 4 Casualties arrive at Invictus Games Orlando 2016! Kath came to support her Boys and of course ensure they had their much-loved treats which of course was enjoyed all around! Her love and support was the special ingredient needed for their participation in the magnificent multi-sport event
To read the article published by Royal Navy, please follow the link
Invictus Games, Sydney, Australia 2018

During the Invictus Games 2018 in Sydney, Kath arrived well equipped with all sorts of delicious cakes for the Boys & Girls competing. Her selfless acts of kindness to all were quickly noticed by our friends Down Under whom were more than keen to sit down with her to get to know our very own Cake Lady up close and personal (sporting her Union Jack dress of course!)
You can watch the interview here
Cakes 4 Casualties Aid Recovery Invictus article
Baking for Recovery ABC News

Prime Minister's Office, 10 Downing Street, Points of Light

The Points of Light award recognises outstanding individual volunteers and people who are making a change in their community.
Kath's much deserved recognition and write up can be read here

Cakes 4 Casualties received a lovely write up by Army & You
To read the article, please follow the link